10 things Estonia does better than Germany

1. Trains and busses are on time. Needs no explanation for anyone who ever took Deutsche Bahn. Estonian train tracks. Photo: Taaniel Malleus 2. Snow doesn’t mean that there are traffic problems. Busses and trains are still on time. Instead of pushing a stroller, parents will pull a sled with their kid. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean we need to panic. Tartu in winter 3. Hugs. Making friends with Estonians is not easy. Earning a hug from an Estonian is hard, too. But this means that hugs actually have value. When you receive a hug from an Estonian, you know you matter to them, you can be sure they like you. They simply don’t hug out of convention or politeness, they only hug when they actually want to. 4. Food. Ok, I’m not talking about blood sausage and fish for breakfast here. I’m talking about seasonal, regional vegetables. I don’t have to double check if it’s organic – if it’s Estonian, I know it’s good. About going to the bogs and collect mushrooms and berr...