
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2019 angezeigt.

Über Essen und Vertrauen (und andere Sachen)

Sonnenuntergang an der Mahanakorn Universität Das Konzept „bring your own“ funktioniert wunderbar in Thailand. Während man sich in Deutschland oft auf Diskussionen über Hygienevorschriften einlassen muss, wenn man seine eigene Lunchbox oder einen Stoffbeutel fürs Brot über den Tresen reicht. Hier werde ich zwar immer komisch angeguckt, wenn ich etwas ohne Strohhalm trinke oder die Plastiktüte ablehne („Echt jetzt, du hast deine eigene dabei?“ – Thailand liebt Plastik, wirklich.), aber mein isolierter Eisteebecher wurde nur ein einziges Mal abgelehnt. Bew, der den besten Coffeshop auf dem Campus der Mahanakorn Universität hat und die Namen aller Studenten kennt, die regelmäßig zu ihm kommen, kennt meine Marotten schon: eigener Becher, eigener Strohhalm, und Kokosnussmilch für den Thai-Tee. Ja, ich habe Gefallen gefunden an den Milch-Tees, auch an dem „Cha thai“, der mit Lebensmittelfarbe rot gefärbt wird. Und da die meisten Cafés keine Soja- oder andere Milchalternative da haben

Of food and trust (and other stuff)

Sunset at Mahanakorn University of Technology The „bring your own“-concept works well in Thailand. While I often have to get into discussions about hygiene regulations when I hand over my cloth bag for bread or my own lunch box in Germany, here, nobody refuses. Only my insulated ice tea mug was rejected once. People make look at me strangely if I refuse the extra plastic bag (“Seriously, you brought your own?” - Thailand loves plastic, really) or drink something without a straw. Bew, the owner of the best coffeshop on the Mahanakorn University’s campus, who knows the names of all of his customers, also knows my quirks: own bamboo straw, own reusable cup, not milk, but brings coconut milk. He finds this a bit strange, coconut milk is meant for cooking, not for milk tea, but he’ll keep it in his fridge for me. I have become quite addicted to iced green milk tea and also the “Cha Thai”, the Thai milk tea that is artificially colored red. Most of the coffeshops don’t have vegan mi

Palm Trees and Plastic Waste

There still are these last paradises out there, where you can find empty sandy beaches, palm trees with swings on them by the water, where you have to be aware of coconuts dropping down, where the locals ride their bikes or scooters on lonely roads and the sea is clear, turquoise blue and warm. I want to go to a paradise like this. The book I read about Thailand was right: While transportation seems chaotic, it always works out. You can be sure that somebody is always waiting for you and you will always somehow reach your destination. When I enter the bus the stewardess asks which island I’m going to and she promises to organize a taxi from the bus station to the pier. Suddenly, I and five other farang are dropped off by the side of a road seemingly in the middle of nowhere. We’re confused at first, but there is indeed a pick-up truck with a “taxi” sign waiting for us. From here, the distance to the harbor is shorter than from the bus station, it turns out.   sunrise